Author: Stefan Kaufmann

Meeting on 01/25: Uegaki 2018

The Meaning Group will have its first meeting of the semester on Friday January 25, at 12:45pm in Oak Hall 308. We will be discussing the paper “On the projection of the presupposition of embedded questions” by Wataru Uegaki (Proceedings of SALT 28, 2018). The paper is included below.

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Talk of interest on 12/07: Scott AnderBois, Brown

The Logic Colloquium on Friday, December 7, at 2:00-3:30pm in Oak Hall 112, will feature Scott AnderBois (Linguistics, Brown University)

At-issueness in direct quotation: the case of Mayan quotatives

Abstract: In addition to verba dicendi, languages have a bunch of different other grammatical devices for encoding reported speech. While not common in Indo-European languages, two of the most common such elements cross-linguistically are reportative evidentials and quotatives. Quotatives have been much less discussed then either verba dicendi or reportatives, both in descriptive/typological literature and especially in formal semantic work. While quotatives haven’t been formally analyzed in detail previously to my knowledge, several recent works on reported speech constructions in general have suggested in passing that they pattern either with verba dicendi or with reportatives. Drawing on data from Yucatec Maya, I argue that they differ from both since they present direct quotation (like verba dicendi) but make a conventional at-issueness distinction (like reportatives). To account for these facts, I develop an account of quotatives by combining an extended Farkas & Bruce 2010-style discourse scoreboard with bicontextualism (building on Eckardt 2014’s work on Free Indirect Discourse).

Meeting on 11/30: Ritter and Wiltschko 2018

The Meaning Group will meet on Friday, November 30, 1-2pm in Oak Hall 338 to discuss the paper “Nominal speech act structure” by Elizabeth Ritter and Martina Wiltschko (attached). Note that Martina Wiltschko will speak at the Linguistics Colloquium on the same day at 4pm. This paper is related to the topic of her colloquium talk.

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Meeting on 11/09: Farkas & Roelofsen 2016

The Meaning Group will meet on Friday, October 12, 1-2pm in Oak Hall 338 to discuss the paper”Division of labor in the interpretation of declaratives and interrogatives” by Donka Farkas and Floris Roelofsen (attached). Note that Donka Farkas will speak at the Linguistics Colloquium on the same day at 4pm. This paper is related to the topic of her colloquium talk.

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Talk of interest on 11/09: Donka Farkas, UCSC

The Linguistics Colloquium on Friday, November 09, 4:00pm in Oak Hall 112, will feature Donka Farkas, semanticist from UC Santa Cruz.

Non-intrusive Questions

This talk is part of a larger project whose aims are to understand the difference between canonical and non-canonical questions, and to draw a typology of the latter. The first part of the talk sets up a series of pragmatic assumptions present in canonical questions, assumptions that follow from the semantics and conventional discourse effects of canonical interrogatives. The second part presents a particular type of non-canonical questions, called non-intrusive. Non-intrusive questions signal the absence of one of the pragmatic assumptions associated with canonical questions, namely the assumption of Addressee Compliance, i.e, they signal that the Speaker does not assume that the Addressee will settle the issue in the next move. The case study discussed in detail is that of a special interrogative form in Romanian, namely an interrogative marked by the morpheme oare. In the account to be worked out in the talk, the role of this morpheme is to mark a special conventional discourse effect that affects the projected Addressee responses.