We will be meeting on Friday, August 30, 12:15-1:15pm in Oak 338. Xuetong Yuan will be presenting her talk “A discourse model for Mandarin ba-interrogatives” (to be delivered at Sinn und Bedeutung in Osnabrück, Germany, next week). Abstract attached.
Month: August 2019
Seminar of Interest: Kaufmann & Shapiro, “Plurals”
Stefan Kaufmann (Linguistics) and Stewart Shapiro (Philosophy) will be co-teaching a seminar on “Plurals” this semester. A draft syllabus is attached to this message. It is very preliminary, but will at least give you a rough idea of the topics to be covered. You can register to take the seminar for credit under either of its numbers (LING 6410 or PHIL 5342). Auditing is also an option. Please direct any questions you might have to either of the instructors.