2019 Workshop

“If” by any other name

Logic Group Workshop
April 6-7, 2019, Oak Hall 112

It is a relatively recent development that research on conditionals is taking a deep and sustained interest in the full range of linguistic markers, their interactions with each other and with other linguistic categories, and the ways in which they drive and constrain the interpretation of the sentences they occur in. Tense and aspect is an area where such attention has already borne fruit; to a lesser extent, we may mention conditional connectives and pro-forms (especially thanks to works like Iatridou 2000 and Iatridou & Embick 1993). More recently, there seems to be a growing interest in two things: on the one hand, more varied aspects of formal marking of conditionals and the ways in which different grammatical categories may be recruited to encode conditional meaning (including aspect, different types of connectives, conjunctions, etc.); on the other hand, the appearance of these markers in other linguistic contexts (like optatives, complement clauses, temporal clauses, interrogatives, etc.).

Saturday, April 6
12:00-2:00 Kai von Fintel & Sabine Iatridou (MIT)
Prolegomena to a Theory of X-Marking
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Slides II

2:30-3:15 Muyi Yang (UConn)
Explaining negative counterfactuals
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3:15-4:00 Teruyuki Mizuno (UConn)
The structure of might-counterfactuals: a view from Japanese
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4:30-5:30 Paolo Santorio (UC San Diego)
Counterfactuals and possibilities
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Sunday, April 7
10:00-11:00 Una Stojnić (Columbia)
The Anatomy of Arguments in Natural Language Discourse
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11:15-12:00 Hiromune Oda (UConn)
Japanese Free Choice “Items” as Unconditionals
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1:30-2:30 Will Starr (Cornell)
Indicative Conditionals, Strictly
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After 2:30: coffee & discussion as desired